One book, a thousand calories consumed,and a million miles traveled later...We ( my family & I ) finally arrived at Daytona Florida! I'm sorry over the course of the next two weeks I won't be able to post as often but I promise I'll make it my mission to bring my laptop to every starbucks on the way and update you guys! Here are just a few picture of our journey there and a few at Daytona...
p.s I need a new camera extremly bad !
I prefer going to bed early. So I can get up early and do my exercises. What about you? Posted By coach handbags
Posted by: coach handbags | 07/25/2010 at 09:57 PM
I would like to go to bed early so I can actually enjoy the morning for once but that usually never works out :/
Posted by: brittney | 07/26/2010 at 12:20 PM